These companies are making bank! See how much Netflix, Tesla, Facebook, Microsoft, Google, Apple, and Amazon are bringing in every hour

Netflix is like the reliable friend who always has a good movie recommendation and makes about $3.7 million every hour.

Tesla is the cool kid on the block, innovating and making around $9.9 million per hour.

Facebook is the social butterfly, connecting everyone and raking in around $12.8 million per hour.

Microsoft is the brainy one, always coming up with smart solutions and making around $23.2 million per hour.

Google is the know-it-all, always having the answers and making around $31.9 million per hour.

Apple is the stylish one, always coming out with the latest and greatest products and making around $41.7 million per hour.

And last but certainly not least, Amazon is the workhorse, always busy making deliveries and earning around $58.8 million per hour.

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